Wednesday 25 June 2014

Colour Me Butterfly - why life is not fair

Do you know that people who feel they are good-looking generally earn more than those who do not. A survey conducted by London Guildhall University of 11,000 people showed that those who subjectively describe themselves as physically attractive earn more income than others who would describe themselves as less attractive. So, let's play some blame game here. Ready? 

1. We blame them for earning more because they chose to see themselves as good-looking ?
2. We blame the employers of labour for being biased and paying them more?
3. We blame Life. Life is not fair?
But before we push this blame game too far, let's be mindful of the truth in this research.
1. These people are not particularly good-looking.
2. These people subjectively describe themselves as good-looking.
Now, let's try the blame game again.
1. Why shouldn't their counterparts see themselves as good-looking? 

[ whose fault ?]
2. Is beauty really an objective thing at all?  [ I don't think so ] 

The difference between PERSONAL BRANDING and MERELY EXISTING  is the difference between HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF  and HOW YOU WANT OTHERS TO SEE YOU.  More often than not, PERSONAL BRANDING, contrary to what you may have heard,  is about the former. HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF . HOW YOU TELL YOUR OWN STORY. HOW YOU PUSH FORWARD YOUR OWN STRENGTH defying all of your flaws. Got it?

Take a butterfly, a family of Lepidoptera. This is where a moth belongs. How come we adore a butterfly more than a moth? Science claims that the differences between these insects can be very minor. The one that clearly stands out is the power of color. Butterflies are colorful. Moths are dull.
Before we go too far with this, we need to establish that the most important thing we want you to take away from this workshop is : 

BE COLORFUL. Be alive. Live brilliant and everything around you will look brilliant. Now, that's the heart of PERSONAL BRANDING. 

Play up your strength. Stop whining about your weaknesses. Let's take a quick note from a butterfly. Meanwhile, print, color the butterfly below and send back to [ That's your class work. Lol ]  


They spend a long time attaching themselves to Host plants at the Egg stage to simply feed. This is what we call 'waiting it out'. To be colorfully proficient in your field, you need to shut up for a while and attach yourselves to PROs. But before you end the attachment session, you need to dig a hole in that industry to find your space. Find an unmet need. Find the weakness of your mentor and capitalize on it to stretch out. Again, we say, life is not fair. The reason a lot of people are far behind in their career is that they tailgate the people ahead of them; wanting to share their space. There cannot be two Kings on a throne. You need to burrow a deep hole and reach out to a new category. Else, you remain a cocoon for life. Sounds familiar? There are so many new holes to be burrowed into Medicines. Law. Fashion. Arts. You cannot do the same things your predecessors do and expect a different result. Attach for a while, and find a hole.  In our workshops, we spend a considerable amount of time on Burrowing Strategy: How to Create a New Space for your Career or Personal Brand. Ask here:

LESSON 2:  [ To be continued ]

Credits: 1. Butterfly tattoo from

            2. Butterfly vector from  
