Thursday 7 June 2012

Meet The Digital Tribe

It has been estimated that today's teen has only about free three hours to spare in a week. There's so much to do on the Smart phone, there are games to play, there are BB messages to reply, there are Youtube videos to download or transfer, there are tens of Facebook updates to respond to, there are hundreds of tweets to follow, there are thousand Google searches to do, plus more and more music to share on Itunes. How about Friends' requests? How about Studies? How about Social communities they belong to? Football Club  etc

Building a Personal Brand can be more daunting than ever as no one really has your time. So, here are the TEN COMMANDMENTS I shared recently with a body of Advertising Practitioners.

1. Thou shall not call me a consumer. I’m a person. I have a life
2. Thou shall not try to convince me what your product can do for me, let me experience it.
3.Please, thou shall not tell me you are honest. You have to earn my trust.
4. Thou shall not tell me thou art quality. It’s my preference 
5. Thou shall not brag about your popularity. Let me love you first.
6. Thou shall not trust in your brand identity, it’s your brand personality that matters to me
7. Thou shall not remind me what you function as. I already know. Give me something more than functionality.
8.Thou shall remember that it’s not about being everywhere, it is about being felt.
9. Thou shall stop telling me what to do. I prefer we talk .
 10. Thou shall not try to sell anything to me, it will be nicer if I have a relationship with you first of all

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